Hung, C., Nayak, S.K., Sun, Y., Fennessy, C., Vedula, V.K., Tulyani, S., Lee, S.-W., Alpay, S.P., Hebert, R.J. (2020) “Novel Al-X Alloys with Improved Hardness”, Materials and Design, vol. 192, DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2020.108699
Sun, Y., Hebert, R.J., Aindow, M., “Effect of laser scan length on the microstructure of additively manufactured 17-4PH stainless steel thin-walled parts”, Additive Manufacturing, vol. 35, 101325.
Curry, E., Sahoo, S., Herrera, C., Sochnikov, I., Alpay, S.P., Hebert, R.J., Willis, B.G., Qi, J., Hancock, J.N. (2020) “Optical response of nickel-based superalloy Inconel-718 for applications in additive manufacturing”, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 127(24), 245111.
Patel, T.A., Co, K., Hebert, R.J., Alpay, S.P. (2019) “Ferroelectric films on metal substrates: The role of thermal expansion mismatch on dielectric, piezoelectric, and pyroelectric properties”, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 126(13), 134103.
Sun, Y., Hung, C.J., Hebert, R.J., Fennessy, C., Tulyani, S., Aindow, M. (2019) “Eutectic microstructures in dilute Al-Ce and Al-Co alloys”, Materials Characterization, vol. 154, 269-276.
Nayak, S.K, Hung, C.J., Hebert, R.J., Alpay, S.P. (2019) “Atomistic origins of Guinier-Preston zone formation and morphology in Al-Cu and Al-Ag alloys from first principles”, Scripta Mater. vol. 162, 235-240.
Sun, Y., Hung, C.J., Hebert, R.J., Fennessy, C., Tulyani, S., Aindow, M. (2019) “Eutectic microstructures in dilute Al-Ce and Al-Co alloys”, Materials Characterization, vol. 154, 269-276.
Nayak, S.K, Hung, C.J., Hebert, R.J., Alpay, S.P. (2019) “Atomistic origins of Guinier-Preston zone formation and morphology in Al-Cu and Al-Ag alloys from first principles”, Scripta Mater. vol. 162, 235-240.
Sahoo, S., Alpay, S.P., Hebert, R.J. (2018) “Surface phase diagrams of titanium in Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen Environments: A first principles analysis”, Surface Science, vol. 677, 18-25.
Nayak, S.K., Hung, C.J., Sharma, V., Alpay, S.P., Dongare, A.M., Brindley, W., Hebert, R.J., “Point defects in titanium: An ab-initio data mining analysis” npj Computational Materials, 4, Article number: 11 (2018), published online, March 16, 2018.
Sun, Y., Hebert, R.J., Aindow, M. (2018) “Non-metallic inclusions in 17-4PH stainless steel parts produced by selective laser melting”, Materials and Design, vol. 140, 153-162.
Sun, Y., Aindow, M., Hebert, R.J. (2018) “Comparison of virgin Ti-6Al-4V powders for additive manufacturing”, Additive Manufacturing, vol. 21, 544-555.
Khassaf, H., Patel, T., Hebert, R.J., Alpay, S.P. (2018) “Flexocaloric Response of Epitaxial Ferroelectric Films” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 123, 024102.
Sun, Y., Aindow, M., Hebert, R.J. (2017) “The effect of recycling on the oxygen distribution in Ti-6Al-4V powder for additive manufacturing”, Materials at High Temperatures,
Patel, T., Khassaf, H., Vijayan, S., Bassiri-Gharb, N., Aindow, A., Alpay, S.P., Hebert, R.J. (2016) “Metalorganic solution deposition of lead zirconate titanate films onto an additively manufactured Ni-based superalloy”, Acta Materialia, vol. 122, 352-358.
Hebert, R.J. (2016) “Viewpoint: metallurgical aspects of powder bed metal additivemanufacturing”, J Mater Sci, vol. 51, 1165-1175 (invited, first issue of Journal of Materials Science with viewpoint articles).